We are excited to announce the newest owners of ProLift Garage Doors: Julie and Keith Mason. After spearheading the couple’s journey into franchise ownership, Julie is enthusiastic about starting her own business and building her family’s future.
When Julie was looking for a new job, she stumbled upon the idea of franchise ownership. While she was put off by some of the more salesman-like approaches in the industry, she was able to build a strong relationship with Katie Lepper at FranCoach. Katie and Julie worked together throughout the Discovery Process and Katie became a trusted guide and partner throughout the Masons’ journey.
Read more about Julie’s franchise ownership process right here.
“You have nothing to lose by having a conversation with FranCoach. Worst-case scenario, you discover you don’t want to touch this with a ten-foot pole. But best case, you figure out, hey this might be something for me and there are some possibilities here.”
“I remember when I first started exploring the idea of franchises and I found the Franchising 101 Podcast. I just got hooked. There were such good snippets of information and I started eating through them and listening to them all the time.”
“The conversation we had, just on that first call, when you said, ‘Tell more about Ryan, what flips your switch, what gets you out of bed in the morning’… it was really important to me to know those things upfront.”
“One of the lessons that I learned very quickly was to focus on what is driving you as an individual. What makes you get up, and what do you want to get up and do every day?”
“If you have questions, if you want answers, or if you’re not sure if it’s for you – there’s no reason not to reach out to FranCoach.”
Explore our weekly podcast, hosted by FranCoach founder and CEO Tim Parmeter. Franchising 101 is designed to help educate you about franchise ownership.