Corporate Success Leads to New FocalPoint Franchise Owner
onMike Mausteller had achieved great success during his career working for multi-million dollar corporations like Victoria’s Secret, Stage, and Thirty-one Gifts. Despite the success, Mike found himself wanting to be much closer to the results of his work than he was as a part of these giant companies. Mike connected with FranCoach late in the summer to explore the potential of franchise ownership.
The FranCoach team worked closely with Mike to determine his ideal owner role and business model. In addition to having much more control over his life, Mike was a natural leader and coach and loved the thought of having long-term customers who appreciate the quality of products and services his business could deliver.
The FranCoach Discovery Process began with four franchisors for Mike to vet. There was a strong interest in two of the brands – one Mike learned about from a FranCoach Franchisor Spotlight even before the introduction. As is always the case, one of the franchisors slowly began to separate itself is the best fit. Mike attended a Discovery Day with FocalPoint and knew he had found his match.
FocalPoint, the leader in Business Performance Coaching, features a mission to boost the performance of businesses by coaching and teaching proven and innovative business strategies and tactics directly to business owners or key leaders. The business model and core values of FocalPoint and their team were in alignment with Mike’s values and skill sets. The numerous revenue streams available to FocalPoint owners, along with the training and support sealed the deal for Mike.
Mike is already open for business in the Columbus, Ohio area with the ability to take on referral clients anywhere in the world. Also, thanks to Guidant Financial for helping Mike with his funding though their ROBS program. Please join us in congratulating Mike and FocalPoint on this match and wishing them the best of luck.
Ready to embark on your own
franchise ownership journey?
Contact the franchise experts at FranCoach to learn more about your ideal ownership role, the industries you’d like to work in, available funding options, and more! Schedule a consultation today.